Get Involved
The AstroBoost network can be anything you want or need it to be.
There are many ways to get involved, including two current project proposals - see below for ideas.
Amateur Astronomical Societies
This network is all for you!
Drop us an email if you would like to:
Join the mailing list to hear about new resources and opportunities to get involved with future projects
Partner with AstroBoost or otherwise get support for your project / funding bid
Share useful resources or ideas with other societies
Tell us how this website has helped you - this would be really helpful!
Tell us what else AstroBoost can do to support your society’s outreach aspirations
Science Communication Organisations
AstroBoost offers a simple way to share resources across a UK-wide network of science communicators.
Amateur Astronomical Societies’ outreach is powered by volunteers. They deliver activities within their own communities and regions, making them the perfect partners to help you reach new and diverse audiences. There are societies in some of the most socio-economically deprived areas of the country, and in areas with low access to other science engagement opportunities.
Most societies aspire to do more outreach, but they are under-resourced (ref). We find they make excellent use of outreach kits where these are provided. Outside our project objectives, we had societies adapting resources for use online; publicising the project (and JWST) in their local press, the BBC Sky At Night magazine and at science communication conferences; and running training sessions for their neighbouring societies, who then borrowed the kit to run their own events. Original AstroBoost activities are still in use today, over two years after official project end. Read the report to find out more.
Drop us an email if you would like to:
Share your own outreach activity resources through AstroBoost
Partner with AstroBoost to create physical kits of resources to roll out to astronomy societies
Partner with AstroBoost to offer free outreach training for societies (online would be great!)
Distribute free giveaway items to societies through AstroBoost
Funders / Supporters
AstroBoost offers a wide range of opportunities to create national impact through boosting the quality and range of Amateur Astronomical Society outreach activity.
Drop us an email if you would like to:
Fund a series of free, online training events
Fund provision of activity kits and training to groups of societies
Fund development of downloadable resources that can be shared nationally
Fund a project to recognise and reward the achievements of societies in their outreach
Support AstroBoost’s core activity - which is currently limited by absence of funding